martes, 14 de octubre de 2008


Occupation may refer to:
In business:
Employment, a person's job or work in service of an employer
Profession, an occupation requiring specialized knowledge
Vocation, an occupation pursued more for altruistic benefit than for income
Career, a person's occupational history
Day job, an occupation solely for income, while pursuing another preferred career track
List of occupations
Standard Occupational Classification System, developed and used by the U.S. government
Occupational prestige, the relative esteem in which a particular job is held
Occupational therapy, assisting people who have difficulty performing occupational functions
Occupational science, the study of humans as occupational beings
Occupational disease, chronic ailment resulting from work
Occupational crime, opportunistically committed in the course of legal occupation
In a military context:
Military occupation, control of a territory by a military force
Law of occupation, portions of the law of war which relate to military occupation
List of military occupations, notable historical instances of military occupation

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